1.1 understand how living organisms share the following characteristics: • they require nutrition • they respire • they excrete their waste • they respond to their surroundings • they move • they control their internal conditions • they reproduce • they grow and develop.

All living organisms require the following characteristics in order to survive:

  • Movement - organisms move toward things like water and food and they move away from things like predators.
  • Respiration - organisms release energy from their food by the process respiration.
  • Sensitivity - organisms respond to changes in their environment.
  • Control - organisms can control their internal conditions. eg. water and temperature.
  • Growth - all organisms grow and develop into their adult form.
  • Reproduction - organisms have to produce offspring in order for their species to survive.
  • Excretion - organisms have to excrete (remove) waste. eg carbon dioxide and urine.
  • Nutrition - organisms need nutrients to provide them with energy and the raw materials for growth and repair. eg. proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins , minerals and fats.


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